Connection is one of the most beautiful aspects of life and it is fading away right before our eyes. I just had my 32nd birthday, and it occurred to me just how great it is to interact with others. Whether it’s a quick conversation with a stranger on the street while our dogs say hello, or having a chat with my favorite barista, the ability to connect with another human being is both meaningful and rewarding. To hear their story or learn more about who they are provides the opportunity to see someone in a different light…what a lovely way to live…
The issue, however, is that our ability to connect decreases juuuuust a little bit more each and every time we glance down at our phones during a conversation, or text someone vs. call, or look away when passing a stranger instead of smiling. We don’t realize that connection, as we know it, is becoming obsolete, and it’s pretty devastating.
Connection allows us to bond with others; to attach to others and build relationships. Let’s imagine just for a moment what life would look like if we didn’t have connection anymore? Where would we be without the people in our lives? Connection supports us in expanding our circles by welcoming good people and good vibes, by building stronger bonds with others, and also by learning more about ourselves.
So, what makes connection so important? And how can we continually increase and appreciate the connections we build?
Let’s consider these 7 concepts…
Be human
Sometimes life can get so crazy that we forget what it’s like to be human. To empathize with others; to convey kindness and love. Building connection allows you to open your heart and remember how important being compassionate to others really is…
Be kind
…speaking on kindness, this is the easiest way to connect with another person. Holding the door open, helping an elderly person with their grocery bags, or simply saying “thank you” are mere examples of how we can show kindness and appreciation. It really is the little things that matter the most.
Ask questions
When engaging with another person, ask questions. Get to know them. Learn about who they are. It’s rather special to become acquainted with someone new, especially if they’re totally different than you are. Each person you encounter is unique and can teach you something valuable…
Be genuine
When you’re getting to know someone, be genuine. Ask questions you actually want answered and remember not to be judgmental. Everyone is different and should be accepted just as they are.
Be present
I cannot stress this enough—be present when you’re with others. Give them your undivided attention and show them how glad you are to be spending time with them. Nothing says “I don’t want to be here” more than your mind, eyes, and conversation being elsewhere.
Embrace the moment
Being present isn’t just about who you’re spending time with, but it’s also about you. Allow yourself to embrace the moment—to take in the experience. Enjoy yourself and immerse your heart in the laughter, love, and joy that’s flowing through the room. There is nothing more beautiful than being with the people you love and making new memories…
Pay attention
Put down your device and notice the energy in the room. Notice how you’re feeling, as well as how you’re making someone else feel. Pay attention to the beauty of connection and enjoy every second of the interaction…
Not sure if you’re fully present when with your partner? Check out these 7 ways to be present and strengthen the connection in your relationship…
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